Property finders exist to help ease the stress of a residential property search for families. By letting an expert take charge of the more time-consuming aspects of finding and buying a house, you can carry on enjoying day-to-day family life with minimal distractions. Of course, you will still make all the key decisions but a property finder can do the legwork of visiting properties on your behalf and drawing up a shortlist. Even once a property is chosen, they can be a valuable helping hand with the move, switching schools and getting settled.
How We Ease The Stress Of A Residential Property Search For Families
A Cost-Effective Solution
Depending on how far away your target area is from your current home, travelling to view homes can be an expensive business that eats up valuable time. This is particularly an issue for expats looking back to the UK, who have to factor in the cost of air travel, car hire and hotel stays when viewing properties.
Furthermore, families aren’t necessarily thrilled at the thought of spending their weekends traipsing around houses that turn out to be unsuitable.
Finding A New School
One of the biggest fears families often have about moving house is switching schools. It’s a process that’s stressful for parents and children alike, particularly when the move occurs midway through the school year.
The inconsistent nature of the UK education system certainly doesn’t make the process any easier. Some local authorities still maintain and support grammar schools and the taking of the 11+, whilst other regions have middle schools in addition to primary and high schools. Getting to the bottom of all your options can take time, a luxury for many families. That’s where a local property finder comes in.
In addition to knowing everything there is to know about the local property market, a property finder will also have an excellent understanding of how the education system works. That goes for both private and public schools. They can take on the time-consuming task of trawling through Ofsted inspection reports and other relevant documentation to establish which school is able to offer your child the highest quality education. It’s not just exam scores that are considered but also the extra-curricular activities on offer, transport to the school and the size of the catchment area.
With a school picked out, a property finder can then guide you through the admissions process. This will vary depending on how the school selects its pupils e.g. academic ability, religious grounds.
Settling In
With a purchase price agreed and the contracts signed, the focus of a residential property search for families switches to organising the move itself. For a busy family with other commitments, this can feel like a daunting prospect. Our settling in service is specifically designed to help ease such stress by putting you in touch with other relevant professionals and taking on some of the more administrative tasks.
Take utility accounts as an example. Before you move into your new house, you want to be sure that there will be hot water, heating, electricity and an internet connection ready and waiting for you. With a family in tow you certainly don’t want to be waiting several days for the wifi to be working. A property finder can help ensure that all your accounts are set up and ready to go.
If your new property could do with a bit of work, a property finder will be able to put you in touch with trusted tradespeople to discuss the possibility of renovations and what they might look like.
If you would like someone to help you ease the stress of a residential property search for your family, speak to one of our property finders. Get in touch today via our contact page or call 0330 223 6339.